
Pelvic bone fractures are often thought to be the most common broken bones after car accidents. Fibula (lower leg), and Femur (upper leg) fractures are surprisingly common. They usually are strong bones but can break when the force of a wreck crushes the car into the leg with great force.

Mr. Roach has extensive experience handling cases involving fractures. 

Wrongful Death

Family members of a person killed through the negligent acts of a person or company can sue for damages in California. Under California law for wrongful death, each heir identified in California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) Section 377.60 is allowed to recover monetary damages on his or her own ‘behalf for the loss suffered due to the victim’s (decedent’s) death. These heirs include the decedent’s surviving spouse, domestic partner, children, and issue of deceased children, or, if there is no surviving issue of the decedent, the persons, including the surviving spouse or domestic partner, who would be entitled to the property of the decedent by intestate succession.

Pedestrian Collisions

Collisions involving pedestrians often lead to serious, life-changing injuries. Mr. Roach has extensive experience prosecuting cases on behalf of injured pedestrians. 

Bicycle Collisions

Collisions involving bicyclists often lead to serious, life-changing injuries. Mr. Roach has extensive experience prosecuting cases on behalf of injured bicyclists. 

Car Collisions

Collisions between cars often lead to serious, life-changing injuries. Mr. Roach has extensive experience prosecuting cases on behalf of injured drivers. 

Motorcycle Collisions

Collisions involving motorcycles often lead to serious, life-changing injuries. Mr. Roach has extensive experience prosecuting cases on behalf of injured motorcyclists. 

Trucking Collisions

Collisions involving big trucks often lead to serious, life-changing injuries. Mr. Roach has extensive experience prosecuting cases on behalf of individuals injured by large trucks.