Automobile Accidents

After a car crash, it is important to get thoughtful legal advice.

Unfortunately, the insurance industry makes money by collecting premiums and minimizing paying claims.

One of the ways the insurance industry seeks to minimize your compensation after a car crash is to prey on those who do not yet have an attorney. Insurance adjustors will seek to take a recorded statement, not with the intent of discovering what really happened, but to use your words against you.

When you hire the Law Office of John J. Roach, we will give you the personal attention you need to help you determine whether you should pursue an injury claim against a responsible party.

We can help find you the right doctors to document your injuries.

Mr. Roach guides his clients through the process of pursuing injury claims, whether they resolve without going to court, or from a jury verdict. We have one goal: maximize your compensation for the injuries you suffered through no fault of your own.

The Law Office of John J. Roach works with a team of experts to investigate and prove your case. Lead attorney John Roach has extensive experience working with the best accident reconstruction and biomechanical experts to combat the insurance industry’s frivolous defenses.

We see the same defense again and again: “this car accident did not cause your injuries,” or better yet: “you don’t have any injuries,” or “it was your fault!” Do not let the insurance industry get away with this. Call the Law Office of John J. Roach.
